This section contains information on advice and guidance available from the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands. Detailed information is given on the functions of the Shipping Master, the investigation of marine casualties, CIRIS and Port State Control in the Cayman Islands.
Latest Security Level Notification:
01/2023 (01 November 2023)
See also DfT Security Notices distributed to Company Security Offices.
Shipping Notices
Guidance Notes

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CIRIS stands for Cayman Islands Regulatory Intelligence System, which comprises two unique products. The first of these is Law and Administrative Procedures (LAP). LAP enables Masters and Officers serving on Cayman Islands ships to undergo an examination to demonstrate proficiency in Cayman Islands Laws and Procedures. The second product of CIRIS is Regulatory Intelligence, which includes a variety of important information to support the operation of vessels flying the Cayman Islands Flag.
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